Corneal Topography
Dr Rajeev Raut Eye Clinic Raut Eye Care

Read the article to know more about Corneal Topography

Reviewed by
Dr. Aditya Raut M.B.B.S D.O.MS
Updated on Mar 20  •  2 mins read
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What is Corneal Topography

Corneal Topography is a non-invasive medical imaging technique used to map the surface curvature of the cornea, the transparent dome-shaped tissue that covers the front of the eye.It is an important tool used in the diagnosis and treatment of vision-threatening corneal diseases and disorders such as keratoconus, corneal scarring, and astigmatism.

The technique utilizes computer-generated mapping technology to accurately measure the curvature of the cornea and generate a three-dimensional map of the surface of the cornea.The map can be used to detect irregularities, indentations, and other characteristics of the cornea that may indicate corneal disease or disorder.

Corneal topography is a painless and quick procedure that can help diagnose vision problems and determine the best course of treatment.

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When to do Corneal Topography

  1. Corneal topography should be done in a variety of people including those with refractive errors, contact lens wearers, cataract surgery patients, and keratoconus patients. It is also used to diagnose corneal dystrophies.
  2. In terms of urgent situations, patients should be seen by a doctor immediately if they are experiencing eye pain, vision changes, or other signs of corneal damage. Additionally, if a patient has been diagnosed with an eye condition that could benefit from corneal topography, they should seek medical attention promptly.

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Diseases in which Corneal Topography is done

  1. Keratoconus - Corneal topography can help identify the presence of keratoconus and can also measure the severity of the condition. The test is especially useful in cases of suspected early-stage keratoconus, as it can detect subtle irregularities in the shape of the cornea that may not be visible during a standard eye exam.
  2. Corneal Dystrophies - Corneal topography can detect abnormal corneal curvature and thickness associated with corneal dystrophies, which can help in diagnosing and monitoring the progression of the disease.
  3. Irregular Astigmatism - Corneal topography can help detect and measure the degree of irregular astigmatism, which can be caused by a variety of conditions, including corneal scarring or corneal dystrophies.
  4. Fuchs’ Dystrophy - Corneal topography can help detect and monitor the progression of Fuchs’ dystrophy, a condition characterized by corneal edema.
  5. Corneal Ulcers - Corneal topography can help diagnose and monitor the progression of corneal ulcers and other infections of the cornea.
  6. Dry Eye Syndrome - Corneal topography can help measure the thickness of the tear film and detect areas of corneal damage caused by dry eye syndrome.
  7. Cataracts - Corneal topography can help measure the curvature of the cornea and detect any changes in the cornea’s shape caused by cataracts.
  8. Glaucoma - Corneal topography can help measure the curvature of the cornea and detect any changes in the cornea’s shape caused by glaucoma.
  9. Refractive Errors - Corneal topography can help detect and measure the degree of refractive errors, which can be caused by a variety of conditions.
  10. Keratitis - Corneal topography can help diagnose and monitor the progression of keratitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the cornea.

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Symptoms that require Corneal Topography

  1. Blurry Vision: This symptom is when you have difficulty seeing clearly and objects appear out of focus.
  2. Halos around Lights: This symptom is when you see a ring of light around bright objects, such as headlights when driving at night.
  3. Glare: This symptom is when bright lights, such as the sun, cause discomfort and make it difficult to see.
  4. Astigmatism: This symptom is when you have difficulty seeing clearly at all distances.
  5. Double Vision: This symptom is when two objects appear when only one is present.
  6. Dry Eyes: This symptom is when your eyes feel uncomfortable, gritty, or dry and may burn, itch, or sting.
  7. Red Eyes: This symptom is when the whites of your eyes appear to be reddish or have small red lines.
  8. Eyestrain: This symptom is when your eyes feel tired and strained after using them for an extended period of time.
  9. Increased Sensitivity to Light: This symptom is when you are overly sensitive to light and it causes discomfort and difficulty seeing.
  10. Distorted Vision: This symptom is when objects appear stretched, wavy, or otherwise distorted.

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How Corneal Topography is done

  1. Corneal topography is a diagnostic procedure that uses advanced technology to measure the surface curvature of the cornea. When fully automated equipment is used, the patient will be asked to place their chin on the chin rest and their forehead against the forehead rest. They will then be asked to look into the machine and focus on a small target light. As they focus on the light, the machine will measure and map out the curvatures of the cornea and display the results on the monitor. The whole process usually only takes a few minutes.

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How long will Corneal Topography take

  1. .
  2. The test usually takes about 10-15 minutes and the report will usually be ready within 2-3 days.

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Reviewed By

Dr.Aditya Raut, MBBS, DOMS, Cataract and Refractive Surgeon, with experience of over 3000 cataract surgeries.

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Article Reviewed by Dr. Aditya Raut M.B.B.S D.O.MS Cataract Lasik and refractive surgeon
Specialist in number reduction surgery, Refractive Lens exchange and ICL surgery.

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Khushboo Jain 2022-09-01
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