Eye heaviness in morning after cataract surgery
Dr Rajeev Raut Eye Clinic Raut Eye Care

After cataract surgery, it is common for the eye to feel scratchy, red, and itching for a period. It is typical for some clear fluid to leak. Even moderate discomfort should go away after a week. Healing will often take two to six weeks.

Reviewed by
Hetal Sojitra
Updated on Dec 19  •  2 mins read
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About Cataract surgery

About Cataract surgery
Cataract surgery is the most common operation on the human body. It has a high success rate and produces satisfying results for both patients and clinicians. Some patients may experience little discomfort following cataract surgery. It might range from mild to considerable discomfort depending on the patient's sensitivity and the type of cataract removal method employed. Cataract surgery has evolved into a low-risk refractive treatment. In cataract surgery, an incision over the cornea (the front transparent region of the eye) is necessary to gain admission within the eye and access to the lens to be replaced. This incision disrupts several connections between neurons and nerves in that area of the cornea. Such incisions may create discomfort in the patient.
Healing in this area can provide unusual sensations. Though superficial healing happens in 5 to 7 days, the ultimate healing reaction occurs on a cellular level for 3 months. This can also have an impact on tear secretion. If a patient already suffers from dry eyes syndrome, surgery may cause further difficulty.
Although there is minimal inflammation inside the eyes following cataract surgery or other intra-ocular surgery, this inflammation might cause discomfort. Although the frequency of inflammation is relatively low with modern cataract surgery, pre-existing inflammatory conditions such as anterior uveitis, glaucoma, and dry eyes can cause further irritation and discomfort.
Following cataract surgery, a few eye drops must be given. Patients with disorders such as glaucoma, for example, would need to use significantly more eye drops after cataract surgery. Because of the preservatives in the eye drops, this can cause considerable discomfort. In such cases, preservative-free drops are important, and drops should be used according to the doctor's instructions rather than according to personal preference.
Patients with particular diseases, such as diabetes, Fuch's dystrophy, recurrent corneal erosion syndrome, and LSCD, may experience severe eye discomfort after cataract surgery due to unusual corneal innervation, weak corneal structure, and altered healing response.

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Causes of eye irritability and heaviness following surgery

Corneal nerve cuts:
The cornea, or front transparent portion of the eye, is crucial during cataract surgery. To access the inside of the eye and replace the natural lens with an artificial one, a cataract surgeon makes an incision across the cornea. This may contribute to ocular irritation and cause a brief dryness of the eyes. In such situations, a regimen of lubricating eye drops for three months can be helpful.
Pre-existing Dry Eyes:
It is very likely that a patient who had dry eyes prior to cataract surgery will also have dry eyes after the procedure, which is perfectly normal. A 6-month regimen of either 0.1% sodium hyaluronate or 1% carboxymethylcellulose eye drops may be helpful in certain situations.
Medication after Cataract Surgery:
Since drugs are available in various forms, such as suspensions, using them after cataract surgery may cause ocular irritation. However, each of these drugs is crucial to the effectiveness of cataract surgery. Additionally irritating to the eyes are the preservatives found in eye drops.
Existing Eye Diseases:
Meibomian gland dysfunction, or oily eyelids, affects the majority of patients having cataract surgery and is one of the most frequent causes of irritation following the procedure. Individuals suffering from Diabetes Mellitus may experience more frequent episodes of discomfort and wetness throughout the recovery phase due to their poor ocular tear film.

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Crucial things to do after cataract surgery

Crucial things to do after cataract surgery
• After cataract surgery, it is common for the eye to feel scratchy, red, and itching for a period. It is typical for some clear fluid to leak. Even moderate discomfort should go away after a week. Healing will often take two to six weeks.
• It's possible that the interior of your cornea care plaster (eye dressing) has some dried blood on it. This is typical and the outcome of the local anaesthetic injection you received prior to cataract surgery, known as a sub-tenon anaesthetic.
• Before heading to bed in the late evening, you can remove the eye dressing; however, it is recommended that you leave the given plastic eye shield in place overnight.
• The eye does not need to be covered if topical anaesthesia (eye drops) is all that is used for the procedure.
• For the first week, avoid from doing strenuous lifting and pushing yourself.
• For one week, you should refrain from getting soap and shampoo in your eyes.
• You should take four weeks off from swimming.
• Avoiding any kind of direct stress to the eye, such as rubbing it, is crucial, particularly in the first four weeks after surgery. Steer clear of any hobbies or sports where this could happen.

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Important points to remember after cataract surgery:

• At the conclusion of the procedure, sutures are typically not needed. If a dissolvable stitch has been used, it should dissolve in 4 to 6 weeks if that was required. This stitch may cause a prickling feeling in you. Non-dissolvable stitches are used occasionally. A follow-up visit is required to remove this. You'll be informed of the kind of stitch that was employed.
• One to two weeks should pass before you resume your regular daily routines.
• Until you meet the minimal legal vision requirements, you are not allowed to drive. When you visit your optician for your post-operative spectacle test, you can inquire about this.
• Long-term follow-up at the eye clinic is typically not necessary (the majority of people see their home optician once a year).
• Further follow-up sessions in the Eye Clinic will be provided to you if you have a newly diagnosed or pre-existing eye ailment.

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Contact your doctor, if you feel

• Extreme pain
• An eye that gradually gets more painful or difficult every day rather than less
• Loss of vision
• Increase in eye redness
• Discharge from the eye

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Article Reviewed by Hetal Sojitra

What people say about us

Khushboo Jain 2022-09-01
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Absolutely love how understanding Dr. Kumud Raut is. The only place where I have not been told about only the process of getting a surgery, but rather they insist on educating about how the eye functions and the importance of having a healthy eye before any surgery.
Anupama Naidu 2023-02-02
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This is the best eye clinic ever. It's amazing how every staff is so caring. The faculty is simply top class and Dr. Aditya Raut is the best. His treatment is par excellence, but even more than more than that, he is a great human being.
Atharva Badhade 2023-02-05
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Excellent doctor! We are extremely happy and satisfied with the treatment ,the concern and friendly staff, very caring attitude of all!! Your are half cured even before the treatment starts!! The cleanliness and precautions are also upto the mark!!Recommending to all , family and friends!!
Preeti Gosavi 2023-01-10
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My cataract surgery is done by Dr Rajeev Raut. I am very satisfied with my surgery. Dr. Bhargav is an excellent doctor and is very calm and polite. I was also operated for my retina by Dr. Nilesh. He too is a great doctor. I am Very satisfied. And all the staff here is very cooperative and accommodating. Thanks
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