Blogs for Eye Health
List of articles for Eye Health

Glasses number +0.25
Having a +0.25 number of glasses is indicative of a very mild hypermetropia. This kind of number can be seen in people who have a smaller eye or a shorter eye. This is a very small number to have and most people do not require glasses with this number. +0.25 number can even be needed for reading by people who are nearing the age of 40 or are working on a laptop or pc the whole day.

Eye Specialist in Pune | Eye doctor in Pune
An eye specialist is a doctor who has specialised in eye health. This is a specialisation that is done after MBBS. If you are looking for an eye specialist, the first thing you should check for is qualifications. Any eye specialist will have a minimum post-graduation of 2 years after their basic MBBS degree. These doctors have training in surgical and medical treatment of eyes. Common degrees include - MS Opthalmology, DOMS Opthlamology, DOC or higher.

Why do I get styes ?
There are a number of tiny glands in the eyelids which open through ducts onto the lid margins near the base of the eyelashes. An obstruction of the ducts of any of these glands prevents the secretions of the glands from coming out. The secretions then accumulate and the gland may get inflamed. A stye is a small red painful boil that occurs in the eyelid at the base of an eyelash. It occurs due to an acute infection within the glands at the eyelid. It is also called external hordeolum. Multiple styes may be present and occasionally it may involve the entire lid margin.

Should I use photochromatic glasses Yes or NO
Yes... You can use photochromatic glasses for all age groups, photochromatic is to have spectacles with or without prescription and protective spectacles that remain clear indoors and turn dark in sunlight. The UV component in the sun light activates the darkning process. When you move out of sunlight, the absence of uv light indoors begans the fading of the dark colour back to clear. Advantages of photochromatic lenses : 1. Reduced costs - can purchase dual purpose photochrpmatic glasses that can give you clear vision indoor and outdoor. 2. UV protection - photochromatic lenses provide you with fall protection against direct exposure to sunlight & harmful uv rays that can cause serious eye problems 3. Healthy eyes - photochromatic lenses also helps maintain you overall eye health. Far instance, one particular brand of photochromatic lenses. 4. Transitions - in thier top of the line series incoperates light from devices & LED's. It also reduces exposure to uv rays that can lower the risk of cataracts or either eye related problems. Hence modern day top of the line transitions photochromatic lenses after the most complete eye protection lenses today. Disadvantages of photochromatic lenses : 1. Reaction times - Photochromatic reaction from clear to sunglasses takes 30-60 seconds from clear to sunglasses but reversal takes a little on bike riding through a tunnel. 2.Problems with Driving - By now, you must have understood that the photochromatic lenses need uv rays exposure to activate & darken. The standard photochromatic lenses don't work inside a car as the windscreen block the ultraviolet rays. Which are needed to activate the chemical process to darken the lenses. Hence, these lenses do not work well while driving a car. If you will come to us we can prescube you the corrects photochromatic glasses.

Will I be normal after retina injection
It is only normal to be anxious about your first eye injection, why am I saying so because as the condition for which the injection is given usually is recurring one, if not all at least most of them do. So what happens after receiving injection in your eye for any retina disorder? Usually the procedure is pain free but slight pain should be expected. A patch will be put on your injected eye which can be removed as soon as you reach a safe environment like your home. You will be given antibiotic eye drop to be instilled in your eye for a week or so. You will be asked to avoid head bath for a day or two so that direct entry of unsterile water is prevented after which you can resume normal routine. Now about the vision part you have to understand the disease from your treating doctor so that the visual improvement from injection can be known before.

Understanding Color Blindness Test: The Difficulty Involved
Color blindness is a condition where a person is unable to see colors in the way that most people do. It can be hereditary, or it can be caused by an injury or illness. There are different types of color blindness, and each affects a person's ability to see colors differently.

Understanding Vision Halos Around Lights
Vision halos around lights refer to a phenomenon where an individual sees a halo or ring of light around a light source. This can occur during the day or night, and it can affect one or both eyes. The halos can be white or colored, and they can vary in size and intensity.