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Diabetic Retinopathy

It is microvascular changes that occur in one's retina over a period of time during which his/her sugar control is not upto the mark. How do you know if you have diabetic retinopathy(DR), well answer to that question is simple, just have to see a ophthalmologist, a retina specialist to be more specific. What should I expect during my retina consult? In case you are found to have no evidence of DR you will be asked to review at least once a year for routine retina check up. The disease has its staging and the retina specialist is the one who is experienced enough to stage the disease accurately and call for follow-up at intervals according to the stage of your DR as per global guidelines. What if I have blurring of vision in DR? If your vision is blurred due to DR diagnosed by a retina specialist then there could be 3 reasons 1. Due to Diabetic macular edema, which can be treated with a wide range of treatment option like laser, intravitreal injections or simply by instilling drops. Now the duration and frequency of treatment has to be tailored for each individual for which again the retina specialist with his experience plans. However recurrence of this edema do occur vastly because of poor control of diabetes. 2. Due to vitreous hemorrhage, tractional retinal detachments or combined detachments, in this cases retina surgery is what is recommended by retina surgeons. Again the outcome depends on control of diabetes and pre-existing state of your retina. 3. Retina itself has become ischemic with permanent degenerative changes which are irreversible can also lead to vision loss. So as you can understand that the disease is Progressive one either slow or fast depends greatly on your Diabetic control and treatment becomes more and more complicated and expensive with minimal scope of improvement. Hence regular timely follow-ups with your retina specialist is what is recommended.
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Contoura Vision Pune - Best lasik in pune

Contoura® Vision is a type of bladeless
LASIK procedure that ensures your recovery period is optimised and post-op symptoms are minimised. It is a laser vision correction system. When you choose a Contoura® Vision procedure, you’re choosing a laser eye surgery that’s calibrated at the highest level of accuracy and personalization. At our hospital we perform contoura vision lasik surgery in Pune for all eligible patients.

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Lasik surgery meaning

In the quest for perfect vision, LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) has emerged as a transformative solution for millions of people worldwide. This groundbreaking surgical procedure has revolutionized the field of ophthalmology, allowing individuals with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism to bid farewell to corrective lenses and experience the world with newfound clarity. But what exactly is LASIK, and what does it mean for those who undergo this life-changing procedure?

At its core, LASIK is a refractive surgery technique that reshapes the cornea, the transparent front part of the eye, to correct refractive errors. These errors occur when the shape of the cornea or the length of the eyeball causes light to focus improperly on the retina, resulting in blurry vision. By precisely reshaping the cornea using an excimer laser, LASIK allows light to properly focus on the retina, thus improving vision.

The process of LASIK begins with a comprehensive eye examination by a qualified ophthalmologist or optometrist. This examination determines the eligibility of the patient for the procedure and helps the surgeon develop a personalized treatment plan. Factors such as corneal thickness, refractive errors, and overall eye health are taken into account during this evaluation.

Once a patient is deemed suitable for LASIK, the surgery is typically performed in an outpatient setting and takes only a few minutes per eye. Local anesthesia is administered to numb the eye, ensuring a painless experience for the patient. The surgeon then creates a thin flap in the cornea, either using a microkeratome (a mechanical blade) or a femtosecond laser. This flap is carefully lifted, exposing the underlying corneal tissue.

Using an excimer laser, the surgeon reshapes the cornea by removing microscopic amounts of tissue. The excimer laser employs a cool ultraviolet beam of light that precisely sculpts the cornea, guided by a detailed map of the patient's eye measurements. This step is crucial as it corrects the specific refractive error unique to each individual.

Once the cornea is reshaped, the surgeon repositions the corneal flap, which adheres naturally without the need for sutures. The cornea begins to heal immediately, and the flap serves as a natural bandage, minimizing discomfort and aiding in the rapid recovery of the patient. Typically, the eyes are shielded with protective goggles to prevent accidental rubbing or irritation during the initial healing phase.

One of the remarkable aspects of LASIK is the speed at which vision improvement occurs. Most patients experience improved vision within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. However, complete stabilization of vision may take a few weeks. It is important to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon, which may include using prescribed eye drops, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending follow-up appointments to monitor progress.

The meaning of LASIK extends far beyond its technical aspects. For those who have lived with the inconvenience of glasses or contact lenses, LASIK offers newfound freedom and convenience. Activities like swimming, exercising, or even waking up in the morning become easier without the dependence on corrective eyewear. The psychological impact of improved vision should not be overlooked either, as LASIK can boost self-confidence and enhance overall quality of life.

It is crucial to note that while LASIK is a safe and effective procedure for the majority of individuals, not everyone may be a suitable candidate. Factors such as severe dry eye, thin corneas, and certain eye diseases may disqualify someone from undergoing LASIK. A thorough consultation with a qualified eye care professional is essential to determine individual eligibility.

In conclusion,
LASIK surgery in pune has transformed the lives of countless individuals in pune by correcting refractive errors